10 Most Commonly Used English Idioms in Business

English idioms are often used in business conversations to express ideas and concepts in a concise and efficient manner. These idioms can help you to communicate effectively with your colleagues and clients, and they can also help you to demonstrate your fluency in the English language. In this article, we will discuss 10 English idioms commonly used in business.

  1. “Think outside the box” This idiom means to think creatively and unconventionally, to come up with new and innovative ideas that are not limited by traditional thinking. In the business world, this expression is often used to encourage employees to find new solutions to old problems.
  2. “Get the ball rolling” This idiom means to start a project or activity, to begin making progress towards a goal. In a business context, this expression is often used to encourage team members to take the first step towards achieving a goal.
  3. “Cutting-edge” This idiom refers to something that is modern, innovative, and at the forefront of its field. In business, this expression is often used to describe products or services that are technologically advanced and ahead of their competitors.
  4. “Bottom line” This idiom refers to the ultimate result or outcome of a business decision or action. It is often used to describe the financial results of a company or project.
  5. “On the same page” This idiom means to have a mutual understanding or agreement on a particular issue. In business, this expression is often used to ensure that all team members are aligned and working towards the same goals.
  6. “Playing hardball” This idiom refers to a confrontational or aggressive negotiation style. In business, this expression is often used to describe a tough or uncompromising negotiating approach.
  7. “In the red” This idiom means to have negative financial results, to be losing money. In a business context, this expression is often used to describe a company that is operating at a loss.
  8. “Thinking on your feet” This idiom means to make quick decisions and react to unexpected situations. In business, this expression is often used to describe the ability to respond to challenges and opportunities in real-time.
  9. “Throw in the towel” This idiom means to give up, to concede defeat. In a business context, this expression is often used to describe a decision to abandon a project or strategy that is not working.
  10. “On the back burner” This idiom means to postpone or delay a project or activity, to focus on other priorities. In business, this expression is often used to describe a decision to put a project or initiative on hold while other more pressing tasks are addressed.

In conclusion, these 10 English idioms are commonly used in business conversations and can help you to communicate effectively and concisely with your colleagues and clients. By incorporating these expressions into your business vocabulary, you can demonstrate your fluency in the English language and your understanding of common business practices and concepts.

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