Online English Classes Based on Speaking and AI

1 Million students, 40% cheaper 5x smaller classroom size

It's Time to Become Fluent

Learning English with us is fun, effective, and affordable all in real-time. We help you become fluent through our certified ESL teachers, friendly community, and proven technology so you can achieve your goals and dreams in life.

Small Size Classes

Learn and speak English with a certified ESL teacher and only 3-5 students.

Flexible Schedules

Find times that work for your schedule. Our classes are available 24/7 for you.

Speaking Opportunities

Everything on Hallo is around helping you find opportunities to apply and speak.

Proven Methodology

Use homework, curriculum, quizzes, and tests to assess your progress.

Technology Driven

Enjoy everything in one platform and use AI to receive instant feedback.

How It Works

Register for Courses

Select times and a teacher that fit your schedule and needs. 

Do Quizzes Homework

Learn with vetted materials before and after class.

Attend Live Classes

Learn English with your teacher and receive feedback.

Join Group Sessions

Apply and practice what you learn with other students.

Take AI Speaking Tests

Receive instant feedback and a score fueled by AI.

Receive a Certificate

Receive a certificate used by over 600 global organizations.

Why 1 Million Students Choose Hallo

8 Live Classes

Attend a 1-hour class twice a week with an ESL teacher and a group of only 3-5 students.

8 Group Sessions

Join activities and practice with other course students for 30 minutes after each class.

Full Duration Hop-on

Join classes on camera the whole time to participate and improve your speaking skills.

Proven Methods

Enjoy homework, curriculum, activities, and quizzes to learn in an effective way.

AI Proficiency Test

Take a full AI proficiency test at the end of the course and assess your speaking skills.

English Certificate

Receive a certificate with a proficiency score aligned to IELTS, TOEFL, and TOEIC.

20,000+ Positive Reviews

Dream Big


We are on a mission to empower others to find more opportunities in life through language. Dream big with Hallo.