Hallo Courses students
Hallo Courses
Learn from certified native English teachers based on your level in a more structured way. Hallo courses are a lot more fun, effective, and affordable than traditional English academies.
Students get all these benefits just for $79.99/mo per course:
8 1-hour live classes
8 hours of guaranteed hop-on time
Certified native English teacher
Based on proven curriculum
Based on specific level
Homework and quizzes
Exams and feedback
Access/download all classes
Group chat with the class
Course certificate
Sign up for courses and learn English effectively.
Live classes are a fun, casual way to learn and practice speaking English with qualified ESL teachers while Hallo courses are a structured, effective way to learn English from certified native English teachers.
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Hallo courses:
8 1-hour live classes
8 hours of guaranteed hop-on time
Certified native English teacher
Based on proven curriculum
Based on specific level
Homework and quizzes
Exams and feedback
Access/download all courses
Group chat with the class
Course certificate